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The Construction Institute (CI) of the American Society of Civil Engineers developed the Student Days Competition to bring the top engineering students from across the country together with potential employers who are seeking new talent. Student Days events give students the information and tools they need to stand out in a competitive job market. Participants in the Student Days Competition create a bid package that includes a cost estimate and a project schedule for a “real-world” construction project and present their proposal to construction industry professionals. Students should prepare for a jam-packed extended weekend of fun challenges and experiences with many late nights and long days.   

Accepted students will have all hotel costs paid for by ASCE CI.  Most food and travel expenses will also be paid for by ASCE CI.  

Speed Networking

Previous events have included site tours, “real-world engineering” sessions, resume critiques, participation in ASCE section conferences, an equipment rodeo, and CI’s signature event, Speed Networking Dinner!—a variation on the “speed dating” phenomenon, during which company recruiters have the opportunity to spend up to 10 minutes with each small group of students, while rotating around the room to get to know all participants on a personal level.

With everything Student Days has to offer, students will feel more confident and prepared when taking the next step towards their careers. For more information on Student Days and why you should attend, visit our Why Attend page.


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